Sketching Sketchy Dudes

Sketching Sketchy Dudes

February 14, 2011

So, the other day, master cartoonist and very nice dude Len Peralta told me that he just used one of my songs—”Sketchy Dudes“—in one of his cartooning lessons. “!!!,” I emoted.

He was kind enough to post a couple of his favorites:

A big thanks to Len (aka @jawboneradio, creator of “Geek a Week” trading cards) for the nod, and “Bravo!” to my three new favorite artists in the entire world.

(Note: the last one was made by the very talented Shawn Sabourin, daughter of master songwriter and very funny dude Paul Sabourin (who is one half of my comedy music heroes, Paul and Storm (who have written songs about “Star Wars” (a film that features Harrison Ford (who was in “Working Girl” with Oliver Platt (who was in “Loverboy” with Kevin Bacon))))).)

Aha aha…

4 responses to “Sketching Sketchy Dudes”

  1. Len says:

    I meant to explain that second drawing to you. The artist used pictographs instead of words in the speech bubbles. And if you notice, the drawing from the previous frame is in the new speech bubble and so on. I thought it was so inventive and creative! These kids are going to put me out of business.

    Also, they will be thrilled that you mentioned them on the internet.

  2. Tweets that mention Sketching Sketchy Dudes - Mike Phirman -- says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mike Phirman, Len Peralta. Len Peralta said: RT @phirm: May u one day know the joy of seeing ur work interpreted by cartoonists. (thnx2 @jawboneradio & @s … […]

  3. Mike Phirman says:

    @Len: That is very clever, nesting them like that. And I love that the sketchy dude’s face at the end is one of the faces from the first panel. Nice!

  4. Sam says:

    I still don’t trust the sketchy dude, I think he’s probably just framing the other guy.

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